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  • sandifordf17

Axe 'Meet the Parents'

Updated: Jan 6, 2023

What went well with the practical task?

I feel that we had the right idea and what setting we could use for the task, we spent time planning and knowing what characters needed to wear to make sure they were as similar to the original as possible. Editing was good as it was done in a small amount of time as well as the editing was efficient and too a good standard.

What new skills did you learn?

During the editing I learnt a few new shortcuts and tricks that can help improve editing times and make it more efficient, also filming from different angles.

Are you pleased with the outcome?

Overall, I am pleased as I feel it turned out good as the clips were pretty much in sync with the original video same with the dialogue, therefore I believe that the outcome is rather positive.

What would you do differently next time?

Next time, I feel that I would like to get the filming done quicker, however we had issues with cast and people who are willing to be in the scenes, this was the most difficult however we overcame and completed it, although next time I would make sure there is more cast if needed and the filming is done slightly quicker.

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